Meet Secure Code Warrior's Leadership

Tuesday, January 31st, 2023
Speaker Icons
Dennis Hurst, Founder and Saltworks
Neil Schloth, VP AppSec in the Financial Services Industry

Our co-founders and executives will be at BlackHat US accepting meetings!

Our leadership will be at the Delano Hotel, a short walk from BlackHat's show floor.

Please select who you would like to meet, what day, and what you would like to cover, and we'll reach out to schedule and confirm the meeting.
Form Feature
Release Faster
Enable every developer to release secure code and fix code faster
Form Feature
Release Faster
Enable every developer to release secure code and fix code faster
Form Feature
Release Faster
Enable every developer to release secure code and fix code faster

Secure Code Warrior at Black Hat US

Matias Madou presents

Achieving Excellence in Software Security Training: 6 Critical Steps for CISOs.
Day & Time: Thursday, August 10th at 1:15PM
Location: Mandalay Bay L.

Booth 1687

Stop by Booth 1687 to learn how you can equip your developers to be security-driven by teaching them the skills needed to defend their organization through secure code.

Upcoming Episodes

Secure code by design

July 27th, 2023
9:30 AM EST • 12:30 PM EST

Secure code by design

July 27th, 2023
9:30 AM EST • 12:30 PM EST

Secure code by design

July 27th, 2023
9:30 AM EST • 12:30 PM EST

Upcoming Episodes

Secure code by design

July 27th, 2023
9:30 AM EST • 12:30 PM EST

Secure code by design

July 27th, 2023
9:30 AM EST • 12:30 PM EST

Secure code by design

July 27th, 2023
9:30 AM EST • 12:30 PM EST

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Level up your skills

Contact us today and make software security an intrinsic part of your development process.