Taking charge of vulnerability alerts
Unleash the true potential of agile learning and SAST

Dennis Hurst, Founder and Saltworks
Neil Schloth, VP AppSec in the Financial Services Industry
Today’s threat landscape is increasingly unmanageable for many companies as they struggle with an application security approach built to react rather than take charge.
Take one example: vulnerability alerts. A reactive program is built to scan and alert, often overwhelming DevSecOps teams with red flags that are often false positives. Not only do real alerts get lost in the noise, but teams often have no way to prioritize the highest-risk flaws.
Taking charge of the process requires an aligned approach that leverages agile learning techniques and SAST programs. This equips developers with the tools they need to eliminate vulnerable code writing and mitigate future risks.
Join our interactive panel of experts to learn take-charge tactics, including the following:
- Managing risk through a repo-centric SAST approach.
- Innovative techniques to distill noise into actionable priorities aligned with business goals.
- Secure code training programs that deliver quantifiable value by integrating with SAST and training content.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to cultivate a mindset for enhancing your application security.
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